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Land Procurement Support
including Easements & Wayleaves

At Self Gen Energy, we understand that securing the necessary land rights, such as Easements and Wayleaves, is a crucial part of any infrastructure project. Our comprehensive design service includes dedicated support for land procurement to ensure the seamless progression of your project.

Securing Easements and Wayleaves:

We specialise in obtaining the essential Easements and Wayleaves, crucial legal agreements that grant us the right to use or access land for the construction and maintenance of the new network. Our team is adept at navigating the complexities of these legal processes, ensuring that all necessary rights are secured efficiently and effectively.

Proactive Engagement:

Our approach to land procurement is proactive and dedicated. We engage in constructive dialogue with landowners, local authorities, and other relevant parties, fostering positive relationships to facilitate the smooth acquisition of the required legal rights. This collaborative approach helps in avoiding misunderstandings and potential disputes.

Mitigating Delays:

We recognise that delays in securing Easements and Wayleaves can significantly impact the timeline of a project. Therefore, our team is committed to meticulous planning and execution in this phase to prevent any hold-ups. We ensure that all legalities are handled promptly and accurately, thereby avoiding delays in the energising of the new network.

Comprehensive Support:

Our land procurement support extends beyond just obtaining legal rights. We assist with negotiations, conduct thorough due diligence, and provide advice on regulatory compliance, ensuring that every aspect of land procurement is covered comprehensively.

Expertise and Experience:

With years of experience in the field, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project. We understand the nuances of land procurement and are equipped to handle the challenges that may arise during the process.

By entrusting Self Gen Energy with the responsibility of land procurement, including Easements and Wayleaves, our clients can be assured of a streamlined process, mitigating risks of delays, and ensuring the timely and successful completion of their infrastructure projects.

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